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The Radditz Saga
Son Goku:w/weighted clothing: 330
Son Goku:wo/weighted clothing: 600
Son Goku:Kamehameha: 1,000
Piccolo:w/ weighted clothing: 322
Piccolo:wo/ weighted clothing: 400
Piccolo:makkankoupousou: 1,330
Piccolo:special makkankoupousou: 1,440
Chibi son Gohan: 710
Chibi son Gohan:really angry: 1,130
Radditz: 1,200
Farmer:w/shotgun: 5
Krillin: 206
Kamesennin: 139
Tenshinhan: 250
Yamcha: 170
Chaot-zu: 145
Kamesennins turtle: 0.0001
Vegeta Saga
Saibamen: 1,200
Yamcha: 1,200
Krillin: 1,350
Krillin:mega energy blast: 2,000
Tenshinhan: 1,600
Tenshinhan:mega blast: 2,900
Chaot-zu: 1,150
Gohan:masenko: 3,000
Gohan:healed: 2,800
Piccolo: 2,000
Nappa: 5,000
Vegeta: 16,000
Vegeta:at best: 18,000
Vegeta:gamit gun: 35,000
Vegeta:ooharazu: 180,000
Goku: 5,000
Goku charged up: 10,000
Goku kaioh-ken attack: 13,000
Goku triple kaioh-ken attack: 25,000
Goku triple kaioh-ken+kamehameha: 40,000
Goku kaioh-ken times 4+kamehameha: 95,000
Goku healed after Vegeta leaves: 15,000 charged up
Freeza Saga
Dodoria: 22,000
Zarbon: 23,000
Zarbon:transformed: 35,000
Cui: 21,000
Vegeta: 27,000
Vegeta healed after Zarbon fight: 45,000
Vegeta healed after Rikum fight: 130,000
Vegeta healed after Frieza fight and Krillin blast: 950,000
Nail: 45,000
Nail:charged up during Frieza fight: 200,000
Frieza: 250,000
Frieza transformed2: 700,000
Frieza form 3: 1,500,000
Frieza form 4: 2,000,000
Goku: 5,000
Goku:charged up: 180,000
Goku:w/o weighted clothes: 200,000
Goku:healed after Ginyu swap: 870,000
Goku:w/o weighted clothes: 900,000
Goku:10g kaioh-ken: 1,150,000
Goku:20g kaioh-ken: 1,410,000
Goku:genki-dama: 2,500,000
Goku:super saiyan: 3,000,000
Piccolo: 400,000
Piccolo w/o weighted clothes: 440,000
Piccolo after Nail fusion: 880,000
Krillin: 12,000
Krillin after eldest Namek charge up: 30,000
Gohan: 19,000
Gohan after eldest namek charge up: 50,000
Gohan healed after rikum fight: 23,000
Guldo: 10,000
Rikum: 60,000
JiisujaiceJaice: crusher ball: 85,000
Burter: 70,000
Captain Ginyu: 120,000
Android and Cell Saga
Cell Game:
King Cold: 3,000,000
Cyborg Frieza: 4,000,000
Trunks 14 years old: 5,000,000
Trunks 17: 6,000,000
Super Trunks: 18,000,000
Trunks after spirit and time training: 21,500,000
Android 17: 7,000,000
#18: 7,500,000
#16: 11,000,000
#19: 3,000,000
#19 after absorbing Vegetas energy: 4,000,000
#20: 3,500,000
Vegeta: 5,000,000
Super Vegeta: 17,000,000
Vegeta: after spirit and time training: 22,000,000
Piccolo: 4,500,000
Kamiccolo: 7,500,001
Kamiccolo: after spirit and time training: 15,000,000
Goku 6,000,000
Goku spirit/time training:23,000,000
Super saiyan Goku:26,000,000
Gohan: 4,000,000
Gohan spirit/time training: 20,000,000
Gohan super saiyan L2: 35,000,000
Gohan Cell killing Kamehameha: 40,000,000
Tenshinhan: 500,000
Yamcha: 200,000
Krillin: 400,000
Cell: 6,000,000
Cell absorbed lots of humans: 8,000,000
Cell: form 2 : 16,000,000
Perfect Cell: 25,000,000
Ultra Cell: 35,000,000
Mr. Satan: 140
From this point in the series the power levels are unsure, but
i do have some rough estiments.
Bu Saga

Majin Buu Saga:
Fat Buu: 45,000,000
Majin Buu: 80,000,000
Good Buu: 55,000,000
Evil Buu: 65,000,000
Super Buu: 70,000,000
Ultimate Buu: 50,000,000
Majin Gotenks Buu: 90,000,000
Majin Vegetto Buu: 100,000,000
Goku: 5,000,000
Goku Super Saiyan: 27,000,000
Goku S.S. L2: 49,500,000
Goku S.S. L3: 79,999,999
Goku mega Genki Dama: 100,000,000
Piccolo: 26,000,000
Gohan: 3,000,000
Gohan S.S.: 25,000,000
Gohan S.S. L2: 45,000,000
Gohan w/ Z sword: 53,500,000
Goten: 1,500,000
Goten s.s.: 10,000,000
Trunks: 1,500,000
Trunks s.s.: 10,000,000
Gotenks: 3,000,000
Gotenks s.s.: 20,000,000
Gotenks s.s. L3: 75,000,000
Vegeta: 5,000,000
Vegeta s.s.: 26,500,000
Vegeta s.s. L2: 49,000,000
Vegetto: 10,000,000
Vegetto s.s.: 53,500,000
Vegetto s.s. L2: 99,500,000
Vegetto if Vegeta went s.s. L3:159,499,999